呂志和書院院生一行共25人於7月8日參加了由澳門銀河娛樂集團銀河綜藝館及騰訊音樂娛樂集團共同舉辦的《2023 TMEA 騰訊音樂娛樂盛典。此次盛典在銀河綜藝館舉行。院生們欣賞了來自不同世代和文化的頂尖歌手。書院衷心感謝澳門銀河娛樂集團提供院生們機會,體驗狂熱的音樂氣氛及激發他們對音樂的熱情。

A group of 25 students from Lui Che Woo College had the opportunity to attend the Tencent Music Entertainment Awards 2023, a highly acclaimed music award ceremony organized by Galaxy Entertainment Group and Tencent Music Entertainment, which took place in Galaxy Arena on 8 July 2023. students were treated to breathtaking performances by top artists representing various generations and cultures, and were left in awe by the electrifying dancing and soul-stirring singing. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Galaxy Entertainment Group for providing our students an opportunity to experience the music fever and encouraging their passion in music.