張崑崙書院 (W34)
蔡繼有書院 (W12)
鄭裕彤書院 (W23)
霍英東珍禧書院 (W14)
馬萬祺羅柏心書院 (W33)
滿珍紀念書院 (W11)
紹邦書院 (S9)
何鴻燊東亞書院 (W13)
請參考以下步驟之 CMP使用流程。
Step 1: 下載 UMRC APP
Step 2: 安裝完成後,打開介面,點擊應用程式上方‘‘Login’’按鈕
Step 3: 點擊同意私隱聲明及條款
Step 4: 登入 UMPASS(須事先激活帳號方可登入,詳情請瀏覽註冊處郵件)
Step 5: 點擊下方‘‘CMP’’
Step 6: 在用餐時間內於八間書院飯堂出示QR Code予工作人員掃描以使用津貼
Step 7: 支付剩餘費用(如有)
In order to implement the educational concept of “Live and dine together in the same RC”, the university specially provides a certain amount of “communal meal participation” subsidy (or “CMP Subsidy”) for RC students to use in the dining hall of their RC.
Dining Venue with CMP Subsidy
Due to the construction work of the W22 LCWC building, college catering service is not available in AY2023/2024. LCWC students are allowed to use their Communal Meal Participation subsidy (CMP) in the following eight RCs’ dining halls in AY2023/2024.
Cheong Kun Lun College (W34)
Choi Kai Yau College (W12)
Cheng Yu Tung College (W23)
Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College (W14)
Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (W33)
Moon Chun Memorial College (W11)
Shiu Pong College (S9)
Stanley Ho East Asia College (W13)
Students can enter the other colleges by using your student ID card directly and access to the above dining halls during meal hours ONLY. Please observe and adhere closely to the rules and regulations of each college. Kindly note that if there is any violation of the rules or regulations found when dining in other colleges, your access right to that college shall be disabled.
How to use the CMP
Please refer to the following steps for CMP usage.
Step 1: Download the UMRC APP
Step 2: After the installation is complete, open and click the ”Login” button on the top of the app
Step 3: Click to agree to the privacy statement and terms
Step 4: Log in to UMPASS (you must activate your account in advance to log in, please refer to the registry email for details)
Step 5: Click ”CMP” button below
Step 6: Present the QR Code to use the CMP at the eight college canteens during the meal time
Step 7: Pay remaining fees (if any)