呂志和書院師生於2023年5月2 日訪問澳門保安高等學校,讓學生瞭解澳門紀律部隊的日常訓練,學習環境和校園文化。活動期間,院生接受教官步操,繩結和自衛術的指導,并與在校學生交流心得。

The students and staff of Lui Che Woo College visited the Academy of Public Security Forces of Macau (澳門保安部隊高等學校 ESFSM) on 2 May 2023. This is a special opportunity for students to know more about its daily training, learning environment and campus culture. In particular, our students learned some basic knowledge on marching, knotting and self-defense, and interacted with students of ESFSM.