5月3日,澳門大學國旗儀仗隊舉行「第四屆澳門大學國旗儀仗隊換屆暨綬帶頒授儀式」。 呂志和書院長期以來對國旗儀仗隊的工作十分關注,2019/2020及2020/2021連續兩年獲得「澳大國旗儀仗隊最佳積極支持書院獎」。儀式上由莫啟明副校長為藍志雄院長送上榮譽盾牌。儀式上,宣佈本書院邵憲薈同學擔任國旗儀仗隊第四期隊長,並進行了交接和宣誓儀式。 是次活動起著重要的宣傳 “愛國愛澳” 的作用,培養學生七項勝任力之一 : “公民責任心”的重要課堂。

On 3 May 2022, The University of Macau (UM) National Flag Team organized an inauguration ceremony for the fourth cohort of UM National Flag Team members. Lui Che Woo College received the award of “The most supportive College to UM National Flag Team” in 2 consecutive academic year because College Master of LCWC, Prof. Desmond Lam, has been supporting the team. Vice Rector of Student Affairs, Prof. Mok Kei Meng presented the award to College Master of LCWC, Prof. Desmond Lam for Prof. Lam’s continuous supports the National Flag Team. During the ceremony, it was announced that, our college resident, Ms. Shao Xianhui will be the captain of UM National Flag Team in the next academic year, and a handover and performed between the former and new captain. Ms. Shao, then pledged for her loyalty as a new captain of the team.