
在晚宴期間,呂志和師生、職員和嘉賓們欣賞書院學生和日本學生 賞心悅目的表演,為當晚晚宴增添色彩。


Lui Che Woo College organized a High Table Dinner on 15 March 2024, which was attended by esteemed guests including Prof. Naoya Yamazaki from Teikyo University and his Japanese students from Teikyo University and University of Tokyo. High school students and teachers from Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School and Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help College were also invited to the event.

During the dinner, LCWC students, staff, affiliates, and guests watched the fantastic performances by LCWC students and the Japanese guests, which highlighted the atmosphere of the event.

In addition, the college took an opportunity to present awards and certificates to students who participated in the competition for the LCWC 10th anniversary logo and apparel design competition. This recognition of their efforts must have been a proud moment for the students.