2022年3月17日,呂志和書院很榮幸地邀請人文社科高等研究院代院長蘇基朗教授作為由呂志和書院學術部舉辦的系列活動 —— “呂院大講堂” 的首講嘉賓. 其演講題目“驀然回首五十年:從歷史到思想,到經濟,到法律,到我是誰。蘇教授通過他過去半世紀, 作為學生、學者、 副校長的不同階段的豐富經歷, 啟發學生們思考” 我是誰” 這個深刻的哲學問題。

On 17 March 2022, we were so glad to invite Prof. Billy SO Kee Long, Interim Director of Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences to be the first speaker of “LCWC Forum” organized by Academic Section of LCWC. In the talk, Prof. SO shared his extraordinary experience in past 50 years as a student, researcher, and vice rector, and inspired students to think about a philosophical inquiry “Who am I?”