在澳門中華新青年協會支持下,,呂志和書院於2023年2月28日舉辦教育行業職業生涯講座。講座請來了鏡平學校孫呈祥老師和中德學校黎美玲老師來為同學們全方位介紹本澳教育行業, 教師理想和成長等方面進行介紹和分享。此次活動共有來自十間書院約五十多名同學參加.
In cooperation with Macau New Chinese Youth Association, Lui Che Woo College organized the career talk on education industry in the evening of 28th February. We invited Mr Sun and Miss Lai from local schools to introduce the education industry, its prospects, and other aspects to the students. About 50 students from 10 different residential colleges attended this event.