LAM, Chee Shiong 藍志雄

Lui Che Woo College
Faculty of Business Administration
+853 8822 8891
Room G039
Lui Che Woo College
University of Macau, W22
Avenida da Universidade
Taipa, Macau, China
Personal Website
LAM, Chee Shiong Desmond 藍志雄 (Prof.)
College Master, Lui Che Woo College
Professor, Faculty of Business Administration
Academic Qualifications
PhD (Marketing), University of Western Australia, Australia
MBA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Bachelor of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Research Interests
Gambling behavior
Cross-cultural consumer decision-making
Word-of-mouth communication
Brand and customer loyalty
Teaching Areas
Postgraduate Courses
– IRTM7035 Gaming and Casino Operation Management (MSc)
– BAGC8301 Research Writing and Ethics (DBA)
Working Experiences
College Master, University of Macau
Director of Accreditations, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
Professor in Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, University of Macau
Acting Programme Coordinator of Hospitality Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
Acting Programme Director and Associate Professor in Hospitality and Gaming Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
Associate Professor in Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
Jan-Jun 2015
Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
Sep 2013-Jan 2014
Visiting Associate Professor, School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Senior Research Fellow, School of Marketing, University of South Australia
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
Professional Society Membership
- Honorary scholar, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Regional assistant editor, International Gambling Studies
- Judge since 2018, G2E Asia awards
- Life Member (elected in 2015), Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
- Editorial board, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
- Editorial board, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
- Ad-hoc reviewer for Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Journal of Gambling Studies, International Gambling Studies, Journal of Gambling Issues, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, American Marketing Association Marketing Educators’ Conferences
- Judge since 2008, International Gaming Awards (London)
- Academic affairs advisor to the Macau Gaming Management Association since 2012
- Selection panel member of Asian Gaming Power 50
- Mok, I. and Desmond Lam (2024), “Individual Differences in the Relationship between Religious Values and Vice Activities: A Study of Personal Traits and Perceived Internal Behavioural Control”, Proceedings of the 29th Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Annual Conference 2024, Macao. * Awarded Best Paper.
- Mok, I and Desmond Lam (2019), “Does Religiosity Influence Vice Product Consumption?”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2019, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Wang, Erin Yirun, Lawrence Hoc Nang Fong and Desmond Lam (2019), “Emotions in Online Review and Consumer Response: Future Research Directions in Hospitality and Tourism”, 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong Kong.
- Mok, I and Desmond Lam (2017), “How Extrinsic Religiosity Impacts on Vice Product Consumption?”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference 2017, San Francisco.
- Giang Trinh and Desmond Lam (2016), “Stochastic Preference of Cultural Venue and Event Attendance: An Abstract”, 2016 AMS World Marketing Congress, Paris.
- Ozorio, Bernadete and Desmond Lam (2015), “An Exploratory Study of the Role of Culture and Locus of Attention on Escalation of Commitment”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference 2015, Chicago.
- Lam, Desmond and Bernadete Ozorio (2013), “A Cross-national Investigation into the Applicability of the Duplication of Purchase Law in the Gaming Entertainment Industry”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference 2013, Las Vegas.
- Ozorio, Bernadete and Desmond Lam (2012), “The Effect of Prior Outcomes on Gender Risk-taking Differences”, poster session, European Marketing Academy Conference.
- Ye, Ren, Desmond Lam, and Alvin Lee (2011), “An Examination of Service Quality Dimensionality and Positive Word-Of-Mouth Intentions in a Chinese Telecommunication Context”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2011, Perth, Australia.
- Mizerski, Richard, Desmond Lam, and Alvin Lee (2010), “The Gambling Habit”, Special Session: Understanding Differences in Recreation and Problem Gambling: Implications to Marketing and Public Policy, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference 2010.
- Lam, Desmond (2009), “An Investigation of External Locus of Control and Online Privacy Concern”, Proceedings of the 2009 American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Tampa , Florida , February 2009, extended abstract published, ISSN 1054-0806.
- Lam, Desmond, Bernadate Ozorio, and Lawrence Fong (2008), “An Investigation into the Effects of Individualism and Uncertainty Avoidance on Per Capita Gross Lottery and Casino Gambling Turnover”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Gaming Industry & Public Welfare 2008, Beijing.
- Lam, Desmond (2008), “An Investigation of the Duplication of Game Purchases between Regular and Pathological Gamblers”, Partnerships, Proof and Practice – International Nonprofit and Social Marketing Conference 2008 – Proceedings, Wollongong , Paper 11.
- Lam, Desmond (2007), “An Investigation into the Betting Behavior of Chinese University Students”, Proceedings of the International Business & Economic Research, Las Vegas , USA (October), abstract published, ISSN 1539-8757.
- Lam, Desmond (2007), “An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Collectivism and Uncertainty Avoidance on Email Word-of-mouth”, The 2007 International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Administration, Society, and Education, Hong Kong (Aug), ISBN 987-986-83038-1-2.
- Lam, Desmond and Dick Mizerski (2006), “An Investigation into the Stochastic Patterns of Gambling Consumption”, Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference 2006, Brisbane , Australia (December). Awarded Best Paper for Empirical Generalisations Track.
- Quek, G. and Lam, D. (2024). Cultural Tourism with Street Art in Coloane Village. Macau Business, Mar.
- Lam, D. (2023). Diversifying and prospering with educational tourism. Macau Business, Dec
- Lam, D. (2023). Sports for all? The ball is in our court. Macau Business, Feb.
- Lam, D., Chao, K.F., Sun, S., and Lei, W.H. (2022). The role of sports in residential college education. UMagazine, 26, 71-74.
Books and Book Chapter
- Lam, Desmond (2019), Casino Management in Integrated Resorts, UK: Routledge.
- Lam, Desmond (2017), “May the Qi be with You! Feng Shui in Macau’s Casinos”. In Stefan Al (Ed), Macau and the Casino Complex. Nevada, Reno: Nevada University Press, pp. 79-87.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). “Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts”. In Kotler et al. (Eds), Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. 7th edition, chapter case.
- Lam, Desmond (2016). “Building Macao and its Tourism Market”. In Kotler et al. (Eds), Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. 7th edition, chapter case.
- Lam, Desmond (2014), Chopsticks and Gambling, New York: Routledge. Previous publisher: Transaction Publishers (NJ).
- Lam, Desmond (2009), The World of Chinese Gambling, Adelaide , Australia : Peacock Publications.
- Lam, Desmond and Bernadete Ozorio (2008), “An Investigation into Chinese Betting Behavior”, In Marco J. Esposito (Ed.), The Psychology of Gambling, New York: Nova Science.
Selected Journal Paper
- Zhang, Y., Zheng, H., Lam, D., Fu, X., and Li, M. (2022). CEOs’ Marital Status and Corporate Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, forthcoming. (SSCI; ABS4)
- Mok, I. M. and Lam, D. (2020). Does Religiosity Matter for Vice Product Consumption among Chinese Individuals? International Journal of Consumer Studies, in press. (SSCI; ABS 2)
- Peng, Y., Wang, E. Y., and Lam, D. (2020). Build it and They Will Come? The Impact of Servicescape on Chinese Millennials’ Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions Toward Integrated Resorts. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, in press. (ABS1)
- Nong, S. Z., Fong, L. H. N., Fong, D. K. C., & Lam, D. (2020). Segmenting Chinese Gamblers based on Gambling Forms: A Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36(1), 141-159. (SSCI)
- Ho, Y., Lam, L. W., and Lam, D. (2018). Gamble More Than You Want? A Study of Casino Servicescape, Perceived Control, and Unplanned Gaming Behaviors. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(2), 557-574. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Fong, L. H. N., Lam,, and Fong, D. K. C. (2017). Controllable Superstition and Its Relationship with Enduring and Behavioral Involvement in Gambling. International Gambling Studies, 18(1), 92-110. (SSCI)
- Lam, D. and Mok, I. M. (2017). Exploring the Relationship between BMI, Obesity and Gambling Level Across Different Gambling Types. Journal of Gambling Issues, 36(Sept), 97-112.
- Prentice, C., Wong, A., and Lam, (2017). Uncovering the Service Profit Chain in the Casino Industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(11), 2826-2846. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Tang, C. M. F., and Lam, D. (2016). The Role of Extraversion and Agreeableness Traits on Hotel Guests’ Green Attitudes and Willingness to Pay. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 607-623. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Lam, D., and Mizerski, D. (2016). Predictability in Pathological Gambling? Applying the Duplication of Purchase Law to the Understanding of Cross-Purchases between Regular and Pathological Gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(2), 539-553. (SSCI)
- Trinh, G., and Lam, (2016). Understanding the Attendance at Cultural Venues and Events with Stochastic Preference Models. Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3538-3544. (SSCI; ABS3)
- Ren, Y., and Lam, D. (2016). An Investigation into the Link between Service Quality Dimensionalities and Positive Word-Of-Mouth Intention in Mainland China. Journal of Marketing Communications, 22(5), 513-523. (ABS1)
- Liao, X. Y., So, S. I., and Lam, (2016). Residents’ Perceptions of the Role of Leisure Satisfaction and Quality of Life in Overall Tourism Development: Case of a Fast Growing Tourism Destination-Macao. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 21(10), 1100-1113. (SSCI; ABS1)
- Un, J.,and Lam, D. (2015). The Portrayal of Gambling and Cognitive Biases in Chinese Gambling-Themed Movies. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14(2), 200-216. (SSCI)
- Ieong, C. Y., and Lam, (2015). Role of Internal Marketing on Employees’ Perceived Job Performance in an Asian Integrated Resort. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(5), 589-612. (SSCI; ABS2)
- Cheung, M. Y., and Lam, D. (2015). Comparing the Price of Sin: Abnormal Returns of Cross-Listed Casino Gaming Stocks in the Hong Kong and US Markets. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45, 73-76. (SSCI; ABS3)