呂志和書院院長藍志雄教授帶領 14 名學生和書院導師李永康先生於2024年5月21 至27日踏上了到蘭州及甘肅省更大區域的文化學習之旅。他們沉浸在中國文化之中,並與蘭州大學的學生和教師在一個名為「弘揚、傳承、築夢—— 優秀傳統中國文化與心理學研習營」的活動中交流思想。


5 月 22 日的啟動儀式上,蘭州大學港澳臺事務辦公室副主任許希輝表示,希望通過這個機會加深兩校師生對優秀傳統中國文化的推廣和傳承的理解,促進學術交流,加強兩校在人才培養和科研合作方面的合作。呂志偉書院院長藍志雄教授表示,將心理學融入到對優秀傳統中國文化的研究中,可以使大學生在人際交往中變得更加愉悅、自信和樂觀,從而更好地完成學業。


A group of 14 students and College Fellow, Mr. Lei Weng Hong from Lui Che Woo College (LCWC), led by College Master of LCWC, Prof. Lam Chee Shiong participated in a transformative cultural learning journey to Lanzhou and the greater Gansu region from 21 to 27 May 2024, engaging in an immersive experience of Chinese culture, and exchanging ideas with students and faculty from Lanzhou University in a study camp called “Promotion, Inheritance, and Dream Building – Study Camp on Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture and Psychology”.

Mental health has become an increasingly significant issue in today’s society, and the application of traditional Chinese culture in psychological therapy is gaining acceptance and recognition. This event, organized by the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs Office of Lanzhou University and hosted by the School of Basic Medicine of Lanzhou University, lasted for seven days, combining academic discussions with cultural visits.

In the launch ceremony on 22 May, Xu Xihui, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs Office of Lanzhou University, expressed that the students and teachers from both universities would witness the brilliance of ancient Chinese civilization in the northwest, experiencing its profound cultural heritage. He hoped that this opportunity would deepen their understanding of the promotion and inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture, sparking intellectual exchanges and strengthening cooperation between the two universities in talent cultivation and scientific research. Prof. Lam, College Master of LCWC, stated that integrating psychology into the study of excellent traditional Chinese culture can make college students more cheerful, confident, and optimistic in interpersonal communication, thereby better completing their studies.

During the seven-day journey, twenty-two students and teachers from the University of Macau and Lanzhou University embarked on a journey along the ancient Silk Road, where they immersed themselves in the application of psychology through expressive arts techniques while exploring contemporary psychological wellbeing deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture. They explored picturesque places such as the Baishiyan Cave, unveiling the past and present of the ancient Denisovans, appreciated the colorful Danxia landforms in the hinterland of the Qilian Mountains, and witnessed the rich ancient cultural heritage in the Mogao Grottoes and more. Students from Macao hope to deepen their understanding of excellent traditional Chinese culture through study activities in various places in Gansu Province. Additionally, they also had the opportunity to personally experience traditional Chinese medical practices like Gua Sha and acupuncture, enriching their understanding of traditional medical practices in Chinese culture. The organizers at Lanzhou University are greatly appreciated by the participants from LCWC for providing such a wonderful and engaging cultural immersion experience.