澳門大學呂志和書院第10期 呂院大講堂  在澳門銀河國際會議中心舉行,特邀演講嘉賓為澳門銀河娛樂集團總辦事處執行副總裁、澳門大學呂志和書院資深書院導師林志成博士。這是 呂院大講堂  首次在書院以外的場地舉辦。林博士以個人職業生涯趣事吸引了院生們,提供了他寶貴的見解和在職場中的建議。相信這次富有啟發性的對話將對院生們產生持續的影響,并激勵和賦予他們未來職業發展的力量。


Dr. Buddy Lam, Executive Vice President of Corporate Office of Galaxy Entertainment Group and senior alumni fellow of Lui Che Woo College of the University of Macau, was invited as the guest speaker for Episode 10 of the LCWC Forum held at the Galaxy International Convention Center in Macau. It was the first time that the forum was organized outside the college premises. Dr. Lam captivated the audience with his personal career anecdotes, offering invaluable insights and advice on navigating the professional world. The enlightening speech left a lasting impact on the students of LCWC, inspiring and empowering them for their future career journeys.

In addition to the thought-provoking sharing, our students and staff enjoyed an exclusive site visit to the Galaxy International Convention Center, Galaxy Arena, and Andaz Macau. This firsthand experience provided them a glimpse into the world-class facilities and further enhanced their understanding of the industry. This event presented an excellent opportunity to inspire and motivate the students, leaving them well-prepared for their future endeavors.

Visit to Andax Hotel